An update from our mountain bike-friendly Canoe Forest Products:

CFP will begin timber harvesting (CP ER7106-7) adjacent to the Muffin Top, Veggie Delight and Meat Grinder trails starting May 16 .

Muffin Top, Meat Grinder, Veggie Delight and Tic Shickets down to Upper Rubberhead will be closed for a minimum of 4 weeks. Signs have been placed at each access point for the above trails. Ravine and other trails are not physically affected.

Users are reminded they must be vigilant when using the 110 road system. Drive and bike with care,  yield to industrial traffic and obey all posted work site signs. Crew trucks, graders, tracked equipment, low beds and logging trucks may be encountered at anytime Mon – Fri 5am – 6pm for the next several weeks. The posted road channel for the 110 road system is RR20.  Road building and logging crews are aware that this is high public use area.