What specific actions on climate change can we take together in our homes and neighbourhoods starting today?

Saturday April 29 9:30 – 3:00
Salmon Arm Secondary School – Sullivan campus
1641 30 St NE, Salmon Arm

Please pre-register for this event at the following link:

Citizens of all ages, backgrounds, skill sets and interests will gather for the first time in one place, at the same time, to:

  • Make connections with others from the community.
  • Address the question: What specific actions on climate change can we take together in our homes and neighbourhoods starting today?  
  • Meet each other, learn more about each other’s skills and experiences, and identify common interests that we want to work on.

Through the use of a process called Open Space Technology, we will identify the issues, ideas, challenges and opportunities and begin to create solutions together. Is it possible for a diverse group of people to work together on a problem this complex? If we work together from a place of shared passion, YES!   This process mobilizes the gifts of ordinary citizens and helps them to resource one another to work on this global problem at a local level.

In Open Space Technology, you are handed direct responsibility for the workshop content and outcome.

How to prepare for Open Space Technology:

Ask yourself and reflect on this questions: 

  • What opportunities for addressing climate change do you have a genuine passion and interest in?
  • Would you be willing to support actively and enthusiastically?
  • Would you like to experiment and learn more about?

Note them down. Bring your responses with you. Also – bring a bag lunch. We will offer some activities for children, hopefully enabling parents to join in!

This event belongs to the community – this is a conversation we’ve been wanting to have for a long time. A big thank you to all the people for their contributions in moving this idea forward including Erik Bjorgan, Geoff and Emily Styles, Warren Bell, Amanda Eastwood, Tim Lavery, Phil McIntyre-Paul, Louis Thomas, John McLeod, Sonya Rokosh, Donovan Cavers, Frank Bugala, Anne Morris, Hugh Tyson, Ceren Caner, Rob Marshall, Mavourneen Reddecliff. Thank you to School District 83 for kindly offering the Sullivan campus for us to use.