Ladies Ride
Skookum 141 Shuswap St. NE, Salmon Arm, BC, CanadaLadies rides, running starting April 24th. Most rides will happen at South Canoe on intermediate trails, but for Week 1 meet at Skookum for a townie loop. Contact for details.
Ladies Ride
Skookum 141 Shuswap St. NE, Salmon Arm, BC, CanadaLadies rides, running starting April 24th. Most rides will happen at South Canoe on intermediate trails, but for Week 1 meet at Skookum for a townie loop. Contact for details.
Annual General Meeting
Salmon Arm Rec Centre Downstairs Meeting Room 1 2550 10th Avenue NE, Salmon Arm, BC, CanadaThe SCC is having its 2023 Annual General Meeting on Thursday, December 7, 7pm, at the Salmon Arm Recreation Centre - Room 1. There will be an election for 6 incumbent Board of Director positions for a term of 2 years. We are interested in all passionate cyclists but are particularly looking for people that would like to help with our youth program, finances, website maintenance and social media, and sponsorships. Please email us if you are interested or would like to nominate someone for a position. Everyone is invited but only members are eligible to vote. Hope to see everyone there!
Salty Dog Registration Opens
Register on
Frosty Dog 2024
South Canoe Trails 10th Ave SE and 70th St SE, Salmon Arm, British Columbia, CanadaResults are tallied! Congratulations to all the racers that completed this big effort. Thanks to the volunteers who helped make it a great day for all, we appreciate you! Open Female: 1. Elsa Dahlie 2. April Barrios 3. Cary Kruger Open Male: 1. Doug Serhan 2. Dave Bartman 3. Ron Ellis Click the image below to see a larger version of the full results. Spreadsheet Version The 2nd annual Shuswap Cycling Club Frosty Dog Fat Bike Enduro - sponsored by Skookum Bike & Ski - is happening this Feb 10th. Race the groomed trails at South Canoe in this casual and fun-focused event! What: This is a three-four stage enduro race at the South Canoe Trails near Salmon Arm. Results will be based on the lowest combined time on descent-oriented stages. Mass start in Waves (all racers at once). Categories for Fat Bikes and Skinny Bikes & E-Bikes Enduro stages - individual starts at 30 second intervals or as determined by riders. When / Where: Race Start: 10:00am. Parking: South Canoe Trails, 6970 10 Ave SE, Salmon Arm. Race Start [...]
MTB Group Ride
South Canoe Trails 10th Ave SE and 70th St SE, Salmon Arm, British Columbia, CanadaSCC mountain bike group rides are here! Join ride leaders and other SCC members for an evening ride. Rides will most often head out from South Canoe at 6pm. But join our mailing list to get weekly updates! Participants must be Shuswap Cycling Club members. Head over to Zone4 to see your 2024 Membership Status or to Register.
Rubberhead Voly Night
Rubberhead Parking LotRubberhead Voly Nights are back! Meet at 6pm at the Rubberhead Parking lot. Work until around 8pm. We send out a sign-up form in our members newsletters. If you are interested in coming out, fill that out. This helps with planning for tools and volunteer hour tracking. See you there!
Ladies Social Mtb Ride
South Canoe Trails 10th Ave SE and 70th St SE, Salmon Arm, British Columbia, CanadaLadies Social Mountain Bike Ride. Intermediate rides on mostly blue trails, casual and social! Participants must be members of the SCC. Check your membership status Join or Renew