2021 AGM Notice!

The SCC is excited to be hosting our 2021 AGM, in person!

November 18, 2021
Salmon Arm Recreation Centre, Room 1
2600 10th Ave NE, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 2S4

We will be reviewing the 2020 finances, receiving reports from Directors, and voting on 5 Director at Large positions.


Nominations will be accepted in advance at shuswapbike@gmail.com, or in person at the meeting.

Please register in advance using the link below.

Everyone is welcome to attend but only current members can vote.

See you there!


By |2021-11-16T16:33:27-08:00October 15th, 2021|Meeting|Comments Off on 2021 AGM Notice!

South Canoe Trails Survey and Information Session

On February 20, 2020 at 7pm the Shuswap Trail Alliance will be holding an Information Session for all South Canoe trail users. It will be held at the Salmon Recreation Center in Room 1.

Address: 2550, 2600 10th Ave NE, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 2S4

Let’s make sure the Cycling crowd is well represented!

In the meantime our South Canoe Trail Survey is ready to go.

By |2020-02-07T11:54:44-08:00February 7th, 2020|Information, Meeting|Comments Off on South Canoe Trails Survey and Information Session

Special Club Meeting – Salty Dog

The Shuswap Cycling Society is having a special meeting of members to vote on two special resolutions regarding the Salty Dog.

7:00pm, Thursday December 12, 2019
Shuswap Trail Alliance Boardroom
358 Alexander St NE, Salmon Arm

The Club will be voting on two resolutions:

1. “That the Shuswap Cycling Society endorse a Letter of Intent to enter into a 3 year partnership with Skookum Cycle & Ski Ltd. to acquire and operate the Salty Dog Enduro mountain bike race on an ongoing basis.”

2. “That the Shuswap Cycling Society approve expenditure of funds of $6,000 per year for 3 years to hire a Race Director to operate the Salty Dog Enduro on a 3-year contract.”
By |2019-12-05T11:38:02-08:00December 5th, 2019|Meeting|Comments Off on Special Club Meeting – Salty Dog

Shuswap Cycling Club AGM

The SCC is having its 2019 Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, October 29th, 7pm, at the Salmon Arm Recreation Centre – Room 1.

There will be an election for 6 Board of Director positions for a term of 2 years. Please email us if you would like to nominate someone for a position.

Everyone is invited but only members are eligible to vote.

FINAL AGENDA – Let us know if there is something you would like to see added to the agenda.

Hope to see everyone there!

By |2019-10-28T12:07:21-07:00October 11th, 2019|Meeting|Comments Off on Shuswap Cycling Club AGM

Shuswap Cycling Club General Meeting March 12

First General Meeting of the SCC for 2019.

Everyone is welcome, however only members can vote, so sign up or renew today!

Tuesday, March 12th, 7pm
Room 1 (downstairs)
Salmon Arm Rec Centre.

Agenda for the meeting (download PDF):

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of minutes from 2018 AGM
  4. April 4th; Membership Drive/BBQ
  5. May 11; Salty Street Fest/Bike swap
  6. Movie Night
  7. Rubberhead;
    • Jump line
    • Double D extension
    • Meat Grinder Rehab
    • Monday voly nights
    • Machine made trail
  8. Fat biking snow groomer
  9. T-shirts
  10. Jerseys
  11. Q & A
  12. Meeting adjourned

Let us know if there is something you would like to discuss. See you there!

By |2019-03-11T10:49:07-07:00February 24th, 2019|Meeting|Comments Off on Shuswap Cycling Club General Meeting March 12

2018 Annual General Meeting

The Shuswap Cycling Club is holding its Annual General Meeting

7pm, Thursday November 8th, 2018
Remax Shuswap, 1111 Lakeshore Drive W

Like other Societies we are required to update our bylaws to bring them in line with the new Societies Act. We will be voting on these bylaws at the upcoming AGM. This requires us to pass the following resolution as special resolution requiring the approval of a majority of not less than two thirds of the votes in person, of members of the Society, to alter the bylaws of the Society:

BE IT RESOLVED, AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION of the Society pursuant to Division 4, Sections 15 and 17 of the Act (British Columbia), that the CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE SOCIETY be repealed and replaced with the constitution and bylaws DATED July 6, 2018.

View a copy of the draft bylaws here.

We will also be electing our Director’s positions. There will be 10 positions up for election. If you are […]

By |2018-11-08T11:11:35-08:00October 29th, 2018|Information, Meeting|Comments Off on 2018 Annual General Meeting

Bike For Your Life Update

Thanks to Ride 2018 Coordinators – Volunteers and past Volunteers!

20 local cyclists gathered on Thursday evening March 1 for a “Bike for Your Life and Beyond Cyclists’ Conversation” facilitated by Erik Bjorgan. A summary of our conversations is posted on the BFYL website. Please have a look!  

On March 8, twelve local cyclists met to put their bike tires on the road and committed to hosting a 2018 SABFYL Century Ride. Thank you to these new Ride Coordinators:

Dennis Charbonneau (new to the Shuswap), Tim Helle and Al Journeau who will coordinate Route Marking and Course Marshals – mentored by outgoing Coordinator Roger Beardmore.

Rob & Beth Savage will coordinate Aid Stations, biffies and P.A. sound system who have been mentored by outgoing Coordinator Ian Clay.

Dr. Dirk Breugem will coordinate Venue set up and take down and Musicians – mentored by outgoing Coordinator Pat Danforth.

Jim Maybee will coordinate the Ride’s Publicity, Website and Chair event host committee meetings – mentored by outgoing Coordinator George Zorn.

Thank you to Roger Beardmore, Nan Priddy, Pat Hutchins, Pat Danforth, Ian Clay, Chris Emel, Bev Wice, June Bryson, Carol Mikkelsen, Gail Clayton, Susan Rothlisberger, Lee Ann Wright, Sharon Fabro, Sherry Bowlby, Lee Anne Warmuth and George Zorn who have supported our community bike ride for some or all of the past 7 […]

By |2018-04-08T16:37:55-07:00April 8th, 2018|Meeting, Rides|Comments Off on Bike For Your Life Update

Notification of Election at the March 5th General Meeting

At the March 5th General Meeting we will be having an election for the imminently vacated President executive position.

This position will last for the duration of 2018. The duties of the President are as follows:

  • Is a voting member of the Executive Committee.
  • Is the chief operating officer of the Club with the power to initiate and direct Club policy subject to the approval of the Executive.
  • Chairs the Executive and general membership meetings, or in the case of general meetings, may designate another member to chair the meeting on their behalf.
  • Provides the Club with leadership and guidance in accordance with the purpose of the Club.

This is a great opportunity to contribute to and influence the shape of cycling in the Shuswap.

You can submit a nomination by emailing the club or we will have a call for nominations at the meeting. Only those that are currently members are eligible for nomination and election. Only current members are eligible to vote.

We are also looking for a volunteer to be the Elections Officer at the meeting, so if you want this […]

By |2018-02-25T14:57:13-08:00February 19th, 2018|Meeting|Comments Off on Notification of Election at the March 5th General Meeting
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Bike for Your Life and Beyond – A Community Conversation

Thursday 6:30 p.m. March 1, First United Church Hall, Salmon Arm

Join in conversation with recreational road cyclists who live here in the Shuswap – North Okanagan, described by Shuswap Tourism as a “pedal paradise”. We enjoy cycling adventures and quiet times rolling along scenic paved back roads on our bikes. Cycling provides us with rich experiences in observing, listening to and smelling nature especially here in this beautiful region we call home. 

Residents of the Shuswap – North Okanagan live in a “pedal paradise”. One of the ways local cyclists have shared their appreciation for local cycle touring has been to invite fellow cyclists from both near and far (since 1998) to participate in a community bike ride. The Salmon Arm Bike for Your Life Century Ride is 100% volunteer driven and requires ongoing replenishment of its volunteer pool in order to survive and thrive! 

At this community conversation we will reflect together on past experiences of the Salmon Arm Bike for Your Life Century Ride and discuss the shape that this event (or another like it) might take in the future.

Interested? Please register online here:

By |2018-02-15T11:22:28-08:00February 13th, 2018|Meeting|Comments Off on Bike for Your Life and Beyond – A Community Conversation
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