Thanks to Ride 2018 Coordinators – Volunteers and past Volunteers!
20 local cyclists gathered on Thursday evening March 1 for a “Bike for Your Life and Beyond Cyclists’ Conversation” facilitated by Erik Bjorgan. A summary of our conversations is posted on the BFYL website. Please have a look!
On March 8, twelve local cyclists met to put their bike tires on the road and committed to hosting a 2018 SABFYL Century Ride. Thank you to these new Ride Coordinators:
Dennis Charbonneau (new to the Shuswap), Tim Helle and Al Journeau who will coordinate Route Marking and Course Marshals – mentored by outgoing Coordinator Roger Beardmore.
Rob & Beth Savage will coordinate Aid Stations, biffies and P.A. sound system who have been mentored by outgoing Coordinator Ian Clay.
Dr. Dirk Breugem will coordinate Venue set up and take down and Musicians – mentored by outgoing Coordinator Pat Danforth.
Jim Maybee will coordinate the Ride’s Publicity, Website and Chair event host committee meetings – mentored by outgoing Coordinator George Zorn.
Thank you to Roger Beardmore, Nan Priddy, Pat Hutchins, Pat Danforth, Ian Clay, Chris Emel, Bev Wice, June Bryson, Carol Mikkelsen, Gail Clayton, Susan Rothlisberger, Lee Ann Wright, Sharon Fabro, Sherry Bowlby, Lee Anne Warmuth and George Zorn who have supported our community bike ride for some or all of the past 7 years since 2011.
Thanks to Ian Wickett (Registrar, Treasurer and Permits), David Van Bergeyk (Start & Finish Coordinator), the Shuswap Lady Striders (Cyclists’ Lunch) and Angela Carson (Cyclists Sweep) who will continue to serve with the new Coordinators listed above to host Ride 2018.
- A Coordinator is needed for the Shuswap Lady Striders hosted Cyclists’ Lunch – there are lots of willing Lady Strider volunteers!
- A Sponsors & Draw Prizes Coordinator is needed and a Volunteers Coordinator is needed.
- A Cyclists Sweep is needed for either the 75K or the 100K route.If you wish to help please contact: Ride 2018 Event Chair, Jim Maybee:
The Ride 2018 Event Host Committee plans to meet on Thursday evening, May 10. Jim will confirm the meeting time and location. Opening date for on-line registration for Ride 2018 is anticipated to be on Monday morning June 4. To be confirmed.
Salmon Arm Bike for Your Life Century Ride 2018: Sat., Sept. 15, 2018
These B.C. S. Interior Spring Bike Rides may also be of interest to you:
- Sunday, May 27: OSCR – Armstrong Century Ride
registration opens Monday, April 2 at 6 a.m. PST (usually fills up by 8 a.m. – in the first 2 hours to 475 cyclists cap). - June 1, 2, 3: Rob’s Ride
3 days of cycle touring based in Grand Forks.
Registration opens Sunday, April 1. - Sunday, June 10 Dave’s Ride
166K and 144K routes based from Vernon.
Registration is now open. 200 cyclists cap.
Happy Cycling!