Bike For Your Life Meeting
March 8, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
20 local cyclists participated in a March 1 “Bike for Your Life and Beyond Cyclists’ Conversation”. A Summary of our conversations is posted on the BFYL website at: http://www.bikeforyourlife.com . Please have a look!
Will there be a 2018 Bike for Your Life event?
Several event coordinators are stepping down requiring willing volunteers to proceed. Past event coordinators will mentor – train interested volunteers.
Please contact George at 250-832-9335 if you are interested in volunteering as an event coordinator or assisting an event coordinator but are not available to attend this Thursday’s evening meeting. Details of the meeting:
To consider how the BFYL event might evolve based on last Thursday’s conversation and to consider our present volunteer capacity to host a Bike for Your Life Century Ride in 2018. To learn more about the vacant event Coordinator jobs.
Thursday, March 8 at 7 p.m.
Deo Lutheran Church 1801 – 30 St NE, Salmon Arm (past Salmon Arm Sr. Secondary School on the left (heading north)
You and other interested cyclists including past BFYL event Coordinators – some who have offered to serve as mentors to willing volunteers.
We appreciate your support for this valued community bike ride.
Thank you!