Harvesting at South Canoe this Winter

Active harvesting will occur this winter around the South Canoe trails, tentatively starting December 11th for about 4 weeks.
Harvesting near the trails will be at a blow-down salvage block at 4 km, which is where the access road into KC and Lumpy leaves the main East Canoe Creek FSR.
There will also be harvesting of a blow-down block just to the North of Mo Betta Mo Buddah.

Active work sites signs will be in place on the road and blocks and the public is asked not to enter these areas. Harvesting and log hauling will continue through to the end of January. 

Users of the parking lot at the bottom of South Canoe trails road system trails  and on the East Canoe Creek FSR should expect industrial logging traffic daily Monday – Friday from 4 am to 6 pm.  Anyone parking at the South Canoe parking lot should ensure they leave adequate space for logging trucks to stop and chain up during this period.

By |2018-02-11T10:46:23-08:00December 8th, 2017|Information|Comments Off on Harvesting at South Canoe this Winter

Meeting Minutes, Agendas, and Club Bylaws Now Available Online

ShuswapBike.com has a few new webpages to share with you. 

Starting with meetings from 2017, we are posting our agendas and minutes on our Meetings page. You can find this link in the menu under About Us, or on the right under the list of Favourite links.

The minutes from the recent general meeting November 2nd are available on this page. You can also view the PDF here

We have also posted our Club Bylaws online. Here you will find the finer details of how the club operates. This link is also under the About Us menu. 

By |2018-02-11T10:47:29-08:00November 20th, 2017|Information, Meeting|Comments Off on Meeting Minutes, Agendas, and Club Bylaws Now Available Online

General Meeting This Thursday

The next Shuswap Cycling Club meeting will be held this Thursday, Nov 2, at 7:00pm to 8:00pm. The meeting will be at the Shuswap Trail Alliance office located at 358 Alexander St NE, above the Salmar Classic.


Come discuss and help make decisions on our current and upcoming projects, see you there!

By |2018-02-11T10:49:13-08:00October 31st, 2017|Information|Comments Off on General Meeting This Thursday

Trail Closure and Logging Traffic on Rubberhead

The top section of Upper Supermans at Rubberhead (the very top part that most people don’t ride) will be closed until approximately the end of November. Access is still possible from the 2nd to top entrance. Lichen traverse is also closed. The logging does not affect the trail, but they will be using the access road and have closed the road and trail as a safety precaution.

Canoe Forest Products have placed signs on the closed trails, and on the roads at the active sites. They ask the public to not enter these areas and respect the trail and road closures. 

Harvesting and log hauling will continue through to the end of November. Expect industrial logging traffic on the main FSR 110 road daily Monday – Friday from 4am to 6pm.

By |2018-02-11T10:49:35-08:00October 24th, 2017|Information, Trails|Comments Off on Trail Closure and Logging Traffic on Rubberhead

Salmon Arm Bike for Your Life Century Ride


An Invitation to Shuswap Cycling Club members:

We all love cycling in the Shuswap! You are invited to join in the fun of the Saturday, Sept. 16 Salmon Arm Bike for Your Life Century Ride – Salmon Arm’s Community Bike Ride since 1998.

Choose one of four local scenic routes: 10K, 35K, 75K or 100K. Each route will be well marked with Aid Stations, Mobile First Aid, friendly Volunteers, a Shuswap Lady Striders hosted BBQ Lunch at Blackburn Park, local Musicians and draw prizes.

Registration is quick and easy here. $30/Adult, $50/Family, Children under 18 years: $5.  Profits from this “all volunteers” fun and affordable event support the Second Harvest Food Bank and the Shuswap Trail Alliance: $24,000 since 2012.

Sat., Sept. 16 Bike for Your Life – Volunteer Help Wanted:

  • Blackburn Park Venue set up on Sept. 16: 6 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. and take down: 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Contact: Pat Danforth – danforthpat@gmail.com – Set up and takedown pop-up awnings, tables & chairs placed, help move other gear
    – Advance MUSCLE and TRUCK help with tent pick-up and/or tables and […]
By |2018-02-11T10:55:47-08:00August 4th, 2017|Awesome, Events, Featured, Information, Races, Rides|Comments Off on Salmon Arm Bike for Your Life Century Ride

New Maps Available for Shuswap’s Trails


The Shuswap Cycling Club has been working with the Trail Alliance, Shuswap Tourism, and the CSRD to standardize and update the region’s trail mapping.

Part of this process has been to create new PDF maps of the trail systems.

Print the maps off to take into the field, or use with an app like Avenza on your smart device. You progress will be shown as a blue dot on top of the map.

The new maps for all the systems are available on the ShuswapTrails.com website.  Here is a sampling, for some of our region’s bike trails:

South Canoe and a Malibou Close-up 


Reinecker Creek

See you on the trails!

By |2018-02-11T10:56:25-08:00July 19th, 2017|Information, Trails|Comments Off on New Maps Available for Shuswap’s Trails

Solstice Ride This Wednesday is the Larch Hills Traverse

The Annual Pedal & Pint Solstice Ride, with the longest day of the year, is this week.

P&P will ride the Larch Hills Traverse Trail this Wed, starting up in South Canoe. We will cover aprox 30km of trail with about 8-900 meters of elevation change up and down.

Bring an extra jacket, snacks, energy and lights, as we tend to drop in on the Sicamous Switch Backs just before dark.

Post recovery will involve snacks and beer, location TBD.  Bring a few $’s as we are still sorting out a food location.

By |2017-06-19T12:55:21-07:00June 19th, 2017|Information|Comments Off on Solstice Ride This Wednesday is the Larch Hills Traverse

6th Annual Father’s Day “Tour de Pancake”

Father’s Day is coming up this Sunday and you are invited to join us for the 6th annual “Tour de Pancake”.

The aim is to mark Fathers’ Day by supporting 2 community fundraisers, indulging in pancakes, and riding with friends – not to mention appreciating our rural scenery on beautiful sunny day. The only downside is that in order to fit that all in, we have to start early.

Meet at Hermann & Louise Bruns house (930-37th Ave SE) at 6:30am.  The crew heads out at 6:45am for the first leg (25km) of our ride out through the Industrial Park and along Deep Creek road for a pancake breakfast at Hullcar Hall (8:00am).

By 8:45am we’ll be back on our bikes for the next leg of the ride to Putula Park in Mara for our second pancake breakfast. We have to get to Putula Park before they close so you can choose one of the two route options (click on links below for maps) to get to Mara by 10:15am. The pancake breakfast in Mara is renowned for quality including a gluten free pancake […]

By |2017-06-15T20:25:04-07:00June 15th, 2017|Information|Comments Off on 6th Annual Father’s Day “Tour de Pancake”

Upper Rubberhead Trails Cleared and Re-Opened

Muffintop, Meatgrinder and Veggie Delight are open again and cleared for riding. 

Canoe Forest Products (CFP)s completed harvesting and all harvesting equipment has left that site.  Staff have walked the trails to ensure that they are free and clear of debris. CFP’s harvesting contractor – DR Moore of Salmon Arm did an excellent job working in and around the trails which has made that job all that much easier.  

The FSR 110 road system is still  being utilized by heavy industrial traffic and will be through the summer months.   Logging trucks and harvesting equipment are operating off of the 110.071 road at 6km on the 110 (spur to the right of the A-Frame), road building crews are operating along the 110.101 (access to Muffin Top) as well as up the 110.000 past upper Ravine.   The decked wood along the 110 road is also being processed and hauled out so equipment can be expected there as well.

Road users are cautioned to drive / […]

By |2017-06-22T20:54:30-07:00June 15th, 2017|Information, Trails|Comments Off on Upper Rubberhead Trails Cleared and Re-Opened

Youth Ride Report

Another lovely youth ride Tuesday, thanks to leaders Sandra & Andreas

This week we had Kieran, Maddy, Oliver, Reese, Peyton, and Jayda.
Later start, no skills workshop but lots of riding goodness. The group rode up No Tears, Deer Trail to Malibu Landing. Then Troll Trail, X-Cut, P2, Undercut, Blizzard Hill, Split the group and some galloped down PPT and the others flew down Flying Nun back to the parking lot.
During the climb up No Tears, it was decided that Coach Andreas’ robust singing of The Ants Go Marching made everyone faster, as he promised to stop at the landing :-}
See you next week, for Poker night!
By |2017-06-08T09:44:42-07:00June 8th, 2017|Information|Comments Off on Youth Ride Report
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