Update your SCC Membership

Registration is now open to update your membership to the Shuswap Cycling Club.

$20 for an Individual or $30 for the whole family.

Membership is critical to maintaining and improving cycling in the Shuswap! Your membership fee goes a long ways. We maintain trails at Rubberhead, plan and build new trails, organize Voly Days, work with Rec Sites and BC, the Shuswap Trail Alliance and others to improve facilities and ensure access, and host all kinds of fun rides and events.

Members also receive a 15% discount at Skookum Cycle and Ski. Thanks Skookum!

The more members we have the stronger our voice in the region! We can help advocate for things like BMX tracks, pumptracks, and safe cycling in our region.

Our membership numbers are higher than ever. We have grown to more than 280 members in just a few short years. Become a member and join the club, or renew your membership to continue to build something great. […]

By |2019-04-27T20:00:20-07:00March 14th, 2019|Information|Comments Off on Update your SCC Membership

Salty Dog Registration

Salty Dog 2019 registration is now open! Go to Zone 4 and search for Salty Dog to register.

Be prepared to fill out the registration information, ensure you have all the following information on hand: team name, racer name(s), birth date, mailing address, email address, phone number, emergency contact(s) and phone details of someone not racing Salty.

See all the race details on the Skookum Salty Dog website.

By |2019-02-10T09:20:59-08:00December 21st, 2018|Information|Comments Off on Salty Dog Registration

KC and Lumpy Closed for Harvesting Until January 31

Recreation Trail Closure in effect:  South Canoe Trails – KC Reloaded and Lumpy – Harvesting operations will occur from December 21 2018 to January 31, 2019.  All users please be aware of industrial traffic during this time.

NOTE: These 2 trails are closed Mon – Friday 6am to 5pm  – PLEASE respect the closure as it is put in place for individuals safety and that of harvesting crews.   (For more information please contact: Ray @ Canoe Forest Products 250-833-1236 or Danielle @  RSTBC 250-837-7638)

By |2018-12-20T09:34:39-08:00December 20th, 2018|Information, Trails|Comments Off on KC and Lumpy Closed for Harvesting Until January 31

2018 Annual General Meeting

The Shuswap Cycling Club is holding its Annual General Meeting

7pm, Thursday November 8th, 2018
Remax Shuswap, 1111 Lakeshore Drive W

Like other Societies we are required to update our bylaws to bring them in line with the new Societies Act. We will be voting on these bylaws at the upcoming AGM. This requires us to pass the following resolution as special resolution requiring the approval of a majority of not less than two thirds of the votes in person, of members of the Society, to alter the bylaws of the Society:

BE IT RESOLVED, AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION of the Society pursuant to Division 4, Sections 15 and 17 of the Act (British Columbia), that the CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE SOCIETY be repealed and replaced with the constitution and bylaws DATED July 6, 2018.

View a copy of the draft bylaws here.

We will also be electing our Director’s positions. There will be 10 positions up for election. If you are […]

By |2018-11-08T11:11:35-08:00October 29th, 2018|Information, Meeting|Comments Off on 2018 Annual General Meeting

Rubberhead Voly Days on Hold – Stay Tuned!

Every Other Monday Rubberhead Voly Nights are on a temporary hold. However plans are in the works for some more opportunities on the weekends. So thanks to all who have come out this summer and stay tuned.

By |2018-08-30T15:34:52-07:00August 30th, 2018|Information, Trail Day|Comments Off on Rubberhead Voly Days on Hold – Stay Tuned!
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Main Park Area Upgrade for Rubberhead

Exciting things happening at the Rubberhead this summer! The Shuswap Cycling Club and our good friends at Rec Sites and Trails BC have finalized a partnership agreement.

This means good things for our trails! The SCC will be able to be more proactive about building and maintaining trails in Rubberhead. Stay tuned for updates on trail work, but in the meantime if you want to be involved, come out to the Every Other Monday Rubberhead Trail Nights.

We have also been treated to a facelift of the main trailhead on the 110 FSR, including an upgraded parking area, sign, sweet map, and washroom.

Looking forward to more great improvements on Rubberhead in the coming months and years!


By |2018-08-21T13:47:52-07:00August 21st, 2018|Information, Trails|Comments Off on Main Park Area Upgrade for Rubberhead

Logging on the Traverse near switchbacks

Starting June 27,  Canoe Forest Products will be conducting harvesting operations at the top of the Sicamous Switch Backs on the Larch Hills Traverse from Mon – Fri from 4am to 5pm daily.

Canoe Forest Products is working with The Shuswap Trail Alliance to ensure that this closure is as short as possible and has minimal effect on the trail network.

The Sicamous Switch Backs will be open out side of operational hours.

There will be no exit to Sicamous during operational hours.

By |2018-06-27T15:17:32-07:00June 27th, 2018|Information|Comments Off on Logging on the Traverse near switchbacks

CSRD Building New Bike Path

The Columbia Shuswap Regional District will receive $784,077 for construction of a new parallel bike path along Salmon River Rd.

The initiative is funded through a Provincial program called BikeBC. The path will not extend the entirety of the road, but is nonetheless a welcome addition for roadies and all cyclists in the area. Salmon River Rd is a beautiful place to ride bikes but is twisty, busy and the pavement can be a bit crusty.

Read more over at the Observer.

By |2018-06-16T07:19:49-07:00June 16th, 2018|Information|Comments Off on CSRD Building New Bike Path

SCC and Rec Sites BC Hosting Trail Workshop

The Shuswap Cycling Club is once again excited to host a Foundation Trails Workshop June 16th and 17th at the Rubberhead trail network. The workshop is sponsored by Rec Sites and Trails BC and with support from the Shuswap Trail Alliance.

Sign up by contacting us at shuswapbike@gmail.com or completing the form below – Hurry there is only space for 20 participants!

The course will be taught by Mark Woods, an experienced trail designer and instructor from Trail Holistics. It will be a mix of classroom and practical instruction, and will cover the principles and culture in trail building, sustainability, assessment, planning, and construction.


By |2018-06-01T12:34:44-07:00June 1st, 2018|Information|Comments Off on SCC and Rec Sites BC Hosting Trail Workshop

Rubberhead Logging

Canoe Forest Products has completed site prep work around the roads and landings that access Muffin Top, Veggie and Meat Grinder trails on Rubberhead.

Harvesting is occurring adjacent to the uppermost road access to the start of Muffin Top. Log hauling down the 110.000 road from this location will occur Mon – Fri,  4am to 5pm daily for the next several weeks.

There are no trail closures associated with this harvesting, however individuals utilizing the 110.000 road for access to the trails must be aware of the increased logging truck traffic and yield the right of way to these vehicles when encountered.

By |2018-05-31T09:42:12-07:00May 31st, 2018|Information|Comments Off on Rubberhead Logging
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